Thursday, December 02, 2010

Booty Call

Booty Call - (noun) 1. A phonecall,page,or conversation aimed at getting into your pants. Not an invite to a movie or dinner, not just coffee, not a casual or formal get-together, just a plain old-fashioned "let's fuck." 2. A clandestine or casual meeting to indulge sexual urges, devoid of any meaningful social engagement. Typically occurring between the hours of 12-4am, subsequent to one party becoming inebriated or failing to secure sexual relations with a more appealing partner(s).

So last night I'm sleeping very hard when my phone starts ringing around 2:30 AM. I'm completely out of it and I keep trying to turn it off thinking it's my 6:00 AM alarm. The next thing I know my phone is going off in conjunction with someone knocking on my front door. Someone thinks they're getting a booty call. For anonymity purposes we'll call the person at the front door Hank. I see or hear from him every couple of months, usually in this context. I open the door, snarl, and immediately go back to bed to sleep. I got my revenge early this morning, kicking him out of the house since I had to go to work!

Really, who does this sort of thing these days? I guess I want to know if this is a common occurrence with anyone else or if it has been in the past? Hooking up with someone at the clubs is one thing, but who just randomly shows up at someone's house in the middle of the week at nearly three in the morning? I would never do this to an ex-boyfriend, most of them would probably shoot me in the face at the door!


Anonymous said...

I had a guy do something like that once. For the sake of not caring if he ever reads this is name was Pete. I had gotten off work and home about 1:30am. 2:00, I was snuggled in bed, happily falling asleep. I get a text "I'm outside open the door." WTF. He's lucky he didn't get shot and arrested. Uncool

Dave said...

To be honest, as much as I hated waking up to let him in, it was nice to have someone to snuggle with through the rest of the morning. He was drunk so it was better that I let him stay over rather than drink and drive.

matty said...

Hank huh..