Monday, February 22, 2010

Daily Dose of Stupid

I love reading the Daily Disappointment's (aka the Daily Oklahoman) opinion page, especially the letters to the editor, it's always good for a chuckle. I bet the editor is bombarded with letters from religious zealots daily! Case in point, a published letter from Sunday's edition of the paper:

"Still in control

What people have failed to understand about 'climate change' is that God is still in control of all things, including the weather. God didn’t say there would not be variance in the earth’s temperature. Genesis 8:22 (NKJV) says, 'While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.'

Man can’t change what God has decreed, although many think they can. Why are the Obama administration, the Democratic Congress, Al Gore and the deceitful climate change scientists pushing so hard for cap-and-trade? Based on my observation of this country’s political and economic situation, it’s evident to me that greed, power and position are more important to them than the welfare of average citizens."

(Name withheld to protect the ignorant)

Does anyone else find it absolutely loony that we should base governmental policy on biblical scripture? What's really disturbing is that not only does the average Oklahoman feels this way but so does the majority of our elected officials in this state!

I submit the following: maybe the big guy in the sky, who controls all things, is using the Democratic Congress, Al Gore and the deceitful climate change scientists to warn his creations about our harmful abuse of the environment and the world. Why is this not a possible conclusion from a religious point of view?

I'm so sick of religious zealotry in my state and my country that I could puke...

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